LEGO toys is a series of plastic construction toys produced by LEGO Group, a private company based in Billund, Denmark. Lego, the company's flagship product, consists of colored interlocking plastic blocks and a series of gears, statuettes called human figures and other parts. Lego building blocks can be assembled and connected in many ways to construct objects. Vehicles, buildings and working robots. Then, any structure can be disassembled again, and these fragments can be used to make other objects.
LEGO Group began to produce interlocking building blocks in 1949. The brand has developed auxiliary films, games, competitions and six LEGO parks. As of July 2015, 600 billion LEGO parts have been produced.
In February 2015, Lego replaced Ferrari as the "most powerful brand in the world" of brand Finance
- Air pump
- Bacteria
- Blood
- Bokeh
- Bone
- Bow
- Box
- Buttons
- Casino roulette
- Chalk
- Coal
- Condom
- Coronavirus
- Cursor
- CV
- Deodorant
- Envelope mail
- Eye shadow
- Face powder
- Filmstrip
- Flag Confederate
- Flags
- Folders
- Gift
- Globe
- Glue
- GPS icon
- Green card
- Kiss
- L.O.L. Surprise!
- Lego
- Lipstick
- Magazine
- Mascara
- Molecule
- Music notes
- Nail polish
- Notebook
- Oil
- Palette
- Paper sheet
- Passport
- Perfume
- Picture
- Pills
- Pin
- Plasticine
- Poison
- Poop
- Postcard
- Prison, jail
- Punk rock
- Razor
- Rock music
- Rubber duck
- Rubber stamp
- Scratches
- Shampoo
- Smiley
- Snowman
- Soap
- Soap bubbles
- Spinner
- Syringe
- Target
- Tattoo
- Toilet paper
- Toothpaste
- Trollface
- USA map
- Virus
- Vitamins
- Washing powder
- World map
- Air Marshal
- Allergy
- Ammunition
- Angry Emoji
- Army
- Aroma
- Award Badge
- Back Pain
- Back To School
- Badge
- Balance
- Balcony
- Bankrupt
- Bartender
- Beauty Pageant
- Bill
- Black Ribbon
- Blushing Emoji
- Braai
- Brochure
- Budget
- Business Card
- Call Centre
- Cancer Symbol
- Case Closed
- Catalog
- Cemetery
- Change
- Cheap
- Checklist
- Cheerful
- Claw
- Commodity
- Construction
- Contract
- Cool
- Core
- Crack
- Crazy
- Creepy
- Crying Emoji
- Denial
- Depression
- Direction
- Diversify
- Doll
- Down Payment
- Dreamcatcher
- Earmuffs
- Economics
- Entrepreneur
- Expense
- Expensive
- Eye
- Fact
- Factory
- Family Tree
- Feliz Navidad
- Female Leg
- Female Thief
- Fight
- Fighting
- Finish Line
- Firefighter Badge
- Fire Prevention
- Fonts
- Footprints
- Freckle
- Fresh
- Fuel
- Funeral
- Garbage
- Gas
- Gas Appliance
- Gas Station
- Gathering
- Giving
- Glowing Halo
- Go
- Good
- Good Evening
- Good Night
- Government
- Grave
- Great
- Greeting
- Grunge
- Gunshot
- Halt
- Hand Emoji
- Healthcare
- ID Badge
- Industrial Machine
- Industrial Worker
- Interest
- Interrogation
- Inventory
- Investor
- Invoice
- Jesus
- Keep Going
- Keep Out
- Keep Quiet
- Keep Right
- Keyhole
- King
- Kingdom
- Kitchen
- List
- Loss
- Luck
- Lucky Symbols
- Machinery
- Maneki Neko
- Match
- Meditation
- Memo
- Menu
- Military
- Mine