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Barbed wire netting, also known as barbed wire netting, occasionally damaged as barbed wire netting or barbed wire netting, is a kind of steel fence wire, its sharp edge or tip is arranged along the interval of steel strand. It's used to build cheap fences and to top walls around fixed assets. This is also the main feature of fortifications (as barbed wire barriers) in the war trench.

People or animals who try to pass through or over barbed wire will feel unwell and may even be injured (especially if the fence is also live). Barbed wire only requires fences, wires and fixtures, such as staples. Even if it is not a skilled person, its structure is very simple, and it can be installed quickly.

The first American patent for barbed wire was granted to Lucien B. Smith of Kent, Ohio, in 1867. He is believed to be the inventor. Joseph F. Glidden of DeKalb, Illinois, patented a modern invention in 1874 after making his own modifications to the previous version. Emile Campbell Browne, a famous botanist, registered a patent for Great Britain and the Empire in 1874 and provided financial support for it. Use the proceeds to explore the South Pole.

Barbed wire is the first kind of barbed wire technology that can restrain cattle. Wire netting, by contrast, is cheaper and easier to set up. (one alternative is the Osage orange, which is a tricky Bush that takes time to transplant and grow. Osage orange later became a supplier of wood for the manufacture of barbed wire fence posts.) When barbed wire fences were widely used in the United States in the late 19th century, they could afford larger areas than before. They make intensive animal husbandry bigger.

An example of the cost of timber fencing immediately before the invention of barbed wire can be found in the first farmers in Fresno, California, who spent nearly $4000 (equivalent to $85000 in 2019) transporting and erecting timber for fencing to protect 2500 acres of wheat crops from grazing in 1872.