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Lemurs are the evolutionary branches of Streptomyces primates endemic to Madagascar. The term lemur derives from the part of speech (ghost or ghost) in Roman mythology. Because of its nocturnal habits and slow speed, it was originally used to describe the slender iris, but later it was used in the primates of Madagascar. Like other restin primates, such as parrots, Potos, and galagos, lemurs are similar to basal primates. In this respect, lemurs are often confused with primates. In fact, lemurs did not produce monkeys and apes, but evolved independently.
Because Madagascar's seasonal climate is very hot, lemurs have evolved to produce a species diversity comparable to any other primate. Until about 2000 years ago, shortly after humans arrived on the island, lemurs were as big as male gorillas. Today, there are nearly 100 species of lemurs, and since the 1990s, most have been found or promoted to full species. However, the biological taxonomy of lemurs is controversial, depending on the species concept used. Even higher-level taxonomies are controversial, with some experts preferring to place most lemurs in sub base lemurs, while others prefer to include all living streptomycin in lemurs, all lemurs in superfamily lemurs, and all lemurs and galagos in superfamily lemurs.
From a 30 g (1.1 oz) mouse lemur to a 9 kg (20 lb) indry, lemurs have many common basic primate characteristics, such as different numbers of fingers on the hands, feet, and nails, rather than claws (in most species). However, their brain body size ratio is smaller than that of anthropomorphic primates, and among many other features common to other sporadic primates, they have a "wet nose" (nose). Lemurs are usually the most important social primates. They communicate by smell and voice rather than by visual signals. Many lemurs adapt to Madagascar's highly seasonal environment. Lemurs have a low basal metabolic rate and may exhibit seasonal reproduction, dormancy (such as hibernation or or or fire), or female social dominance. Most people eat all kinds of fruits and leaves, while some are experts. Although many people share a similar diet, different lemurs share the same forest by niche differentiation.
Lemur research in the 18th and 19th centuries focused on Taxonomy and specimen collection. Although field observations were obtained from early explorers, it was not until the 1950s and 1960s that modern lemur ecology and behavior were seriously studied. Initially hampered by political instability and unrest in Madagascar in the mid-1970s, field research was resumed in the 1980s, greatly improving understanding of these primates. Research institutions such as the Duke lemur center offer research opportunities in a more controlled environment. Lemurs are important for research because they share ancestral traits and traits with anthropomorphic primates and can have insights into primates and human evolution. However, due to habitat loss and hunting, many lemur species are threatened with extinction. Although local traditions often help to protect lemurs and their forests, illegal logging, widespread poverty and political unrest hinder and undermine conservation efforts. As a result of these threats and their decline, the International Union for conservation of nature (IUCN) considers lemurs to be the world's most endangered mammals and points out that as of 2013, up to 90% of lemur species will face extinction years in the next 20 to 25 years.