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Guava is a common tropical fruit grown in many tropical and subtropical areas. Guava (guava, lemon guava) is a small tree in myrtle family (myrtle family), native to Mexico, Central America and Northern South America. Although related species can also be called guava, they belong to other species or genera, such as ACCA sellowiana. In 2016, India was the largest producer of guava, accounting for 41% of the world's total.

Apple guajava is the most commonly eaten species, usually referred to as "guava". Guava is a typical myrtle family, with tough dark leaves, opposite, solitary, elliptical to ovate, 5-15 cm (2.0-5.9 in) long. The flower is white, with five petals and many stamens. Fruit is a multi seeded berry.

Previously, paradium included accara and ACCA (formerly known as Feijoa, pineapple guava).

Guava originated in Mexico or Central America and distributed throughout tropical America and the Caribbean. They are used as crops in subtropical and tropical Asia, southern United States (from southern Tennessee and North Carolina as well as western and Hawaii), tropical Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania. Guava is now grown in many tropical and subtropical countries. There are several kinds in business. Apple guava and its varieties are the most frequently traded varieties in the world. Guava also grows in southwest Europe, especially in Malaga (Spain) and Costa del Sol, Spain, where guava has been commercially grown since the middle of the 20th century and propagates in cultivated varieties.

Mature trees of most species have strong cold tolerance and can survive for a short time at temperatures less than 25 ° f (4 ° C), but younger plants may freeze to the ground.

Guava was introduced to Florida in the 19th century and is now grown in northern Florida in Sarasota, Chipley, Waldo and Fort Pierce. However, they are the main hosts of Caribbean fruit flies and must be protected against infestation in Florida where the pest is present.

Guava is of interest to family growers in the subtropics because it is one of the few tropical fruits that can be grown in indoor pots to the size of a fruit. When guava grows from seeds, it can produce fruit as soon as two years and as long as 40 years.

Guava fruit is usually 4 to 12 cm (1.6 to 4.7 inches) long, depending on the species. They have a typical aroma, similar to lemon peel, but not so sharp. The skin may be rough, usually bitter, or soft and sweet. Skin thickness varies from species to species, usually green before maturity, and may be yellow, chestnut or green when mature. The inside pulp can be sweet or sour and gray white ("white" guava) to dark pink ("red" guava). The number and hardness of the seeds in the center pulp vary, depending on the species.

Agua fresca, a guava based drink, is popular in Mexico and other Latin American countries. The whole fruit is the key ingredient in the punch, juice is usually used for cooking sauces (cold or hot), ale, candy, dry snacks, fruit bars and desserts, or dip in suede. Guava is a popular alcoholic beverage in these areas.

In many countries, guava is eaten raw, usually sliced or like an apple, while in other countries, it is eaten with a little salt and pepper, pepper or spice mixture (masala). It is known as Pakistan's winter National Day fruit. In the Philippines, ripe guava is used for cooking tetragonal. Guava is the most popular snack in Taiwan. It can be sold in many street corners and night markets in hot weather. It is also served with a small package of dried plum powder, sugar and salt. In East Asia, guava is usually eaten with a mixture of dried plum powder with sugar and vinegar. Guava juice is very popular in many countries. This fruit is also often included in fruit salads.

Because of its high pectin content, guava is widely used in confectionery, preserves, jellies, jams and marmalades (such as goiabada in Brazil, Boca Dillo in Colombia and Venezuela), as well as toast bread as jam jam.

Red guava can be used as the basis of condiments (such as condiments) instead of tomatoes, especially to minimize the acidity. The beverage can be made by infusing guava fruit and leaves. In Brazil, it is called Che de goiabeira, or "tea" of guava leaves, which is considered to have medicinal value.